Submit the report to one of our support options, either the Community Support or the VIP Support (if you’re a PRO license user), and we’ll do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Select all with Ctrl+A and copy it into a text file that you send our way.ģ) Send us the full number of the version that you’re using (you can find this information in Menu > Help > About).Ĥ) Try to remember what changes you’ve made in eM Client or in your system before the problem started and describe them to us. If no error appears, go to Menu > Tools > Operations. If an error appears, you can access it by clicking on the third tab in the same window as the Error called Operations. 1) If you’re getting an error message, please enclose a screenshot of the error.Ģ) Send us the whole content of the ‘Log’ tab.